I have no idea what's with this time of day but it seems as though I always get struck with the inspiration to write about things during these deep, late night hours.
So, this is my random thought of the night (or morning, if we're going to get technical). It just popped into my head for no apparent reason. Well, might as well let it all out.
Do you think there might be such a thing as destiny, fate, serendipity… chance? I’ve never really been an advocate of the whole things-happen-for-a-reason philosophy, but now… I’m not so sure anymore.
Who’s to say there isn’t some higher power working behind the scenes? We keep wishing for things to fall into place, even going out there and making it all happen. The thing is, if it’s not MEANT to be, no matter how hard you try or no matter how hard you work to make it happen, will it?
But leaving everything to chance is not the way to go. There’s a fine line between hoping that things work out the way you want them to and passively sitting around wishing they would. Does that even make sense? haha. I hope it does.
All I want to say is that I believe we are all meant to do something, to be somebody in our lives. It may not be written in stone exactly what it is but there is something. Yeah yeah, I know how vague that sounds (or looks, for that matter). And maybe, we’re all meant for someone as well. (I'm not even gonna go into that right now. I thought I've left that part of my life. Ugh. This is ridiculous. Okay, okay. I’m stopping now. Really. *breathe*)
So, that's the thing that has been running through my head all night. We are here on this earth for a purpose. What it is? Who the hell knows?! All I believe is that there's something we were meant to do, someone we were meant to be, we were meant to mee. We cannot direct all our energy and attention in an effort to search for our purpose because once we start to, we would lose sight of what it means to truly live. All we can do is live everyday and do everything we can to seize our own destiny, take it into our hands. I guess it's much like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Searching would be futile. We need to make it happen.
But there are some things that life may have intended for us that we don't really know what to do with. What to do? Just go with it, make the most out of it. I guess, there are still some things we just have to take on with a little bit of faith. Couldn't hurt, right?
So, this is my random thought of the night (or morning, if we're going to get technical). It just popped into my head for no apparent reason. Well, might as well let it all out.
Do you think there might be such a thing as destiny, fate, serendipity… chance? I’ve never really been an advocate of the whole things-happen-for-a-reason philosophy, but now… I’m not so sure anymore.
Who’s to say there isn’t some higher power working behind the scenes? We keep wishing for things to fall into place, even going out there and making it all happen. The thing is, if it’s not MEANT to be, no matter how hard you try or no matter how hard you work to make it happen, will it?
But leaving everything to chance is not the way to go. There’s a fine line between hoping that things work out the way you want them to and passively sitting around wishing they would. Does that even make sense? haha. I hope it does.
All I want to say is that I believe we are all meant to do something, to be somebody in our lives. It may not be written in stone exactly what it is but there is something. Yeah yeah, I know how vague that sounds (or looks, for that matter). And maybe, we’re all meant for someone as well. (I'm not even gonna go into that right now. I thought I've left that part of my life. Ugh. This is ridiculous. Okay, okay. I’m stopping now. Really. *breathe*)
So, that's the thing that has been running through my head all night. We are here on this earth for a purpose. What it is? Who the hell knows?! All I believe is that there's something we were meant to do, someone we were meant to be, we were meant to mee. We cannot direct all our energy and attention in an effort to search for our purpose because once we start to, we would lose sight of what it means to truly live. All we can do is live everyday and do everything we can to seize our own destiny, take it into our hands. I guess it's much like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Searching would be futile. We need to make it happen.
But there are some things that life may have intended for us that we don't really know what to do with. What to do? Just go with it, make the most out of it. I guess, there are still some things we just have to take on with a little bit of faith. Couldn't hurt, right?