So, anyway, last night in the car, a song started playing through my earbuds. I had the album since May and I've been listening to the songs absently for a few months now. Well, don't you find it funny how we tend to get overly contemplative while inside a moving vehicle. It happens to me every time! A song might not mean much to me before but the moment it starts playing while I lean my head on the window and as I look at the scenery pass me by, well, I don't know why songs suddenly take new meaning!
It happened again last night. As we drove through the highway towards the city, the songs playing made me think about stuff. If you recognize the lyrics, then you're awesome. :)
You are what you love, not who loves you...
Falling in love is complicated. Whoever said it was easy needs to be bitch-slapped. Love is one huge maze that I have no idea how to navigate. The few times I ventured into it, I got lost. I realized that I've always had this tendency to make everybody else happy. I think it is a result of my insecurities about myself. I fear being left alone and that train of thought has led me into thinking that if I try to please everybody around me, they won't ever find a reason to leave. In doing so, I lose myself in the process. This song reminded me that staying true yourself is the best way to go. Being loved or otherwise by other people does not determine who we are. The choices we make and the things that matter to us do.